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What is Hypnotherapy?
The National Hypnotherapy Society defines Hypnotherapy as ‘the use of hypnosis in the treatment of a psychological disorder or concern’. Although Hypnosis may be perceived as a form light sleep, it is rather a state of focused attention also known as trance. The person is less aware of their environment and more open to suggestion without ever losing control over their thoughts and behaviour.
Hypnosis can be likened to guided meditation associated with extreme relaxation. It is a powerful tool for implementing change within a person's life.
What it is not?
Hypnotherapists don't wave watches in front of their clients' faces. They don't try to control other people's minds either! Nobody can make you lose control over your mind. You are always in control.
What is Hypnotherapy used for?
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the Committee for Advertising Practice (CAP) accept that hypnotherapy can be used to:
relieve anxiety
aid sleep
help with bed wetting
help with confidence
help with eating problems (but not eating disorders)
help with minor skin conditions (e.g. conditions made worse by stress.)

help with perceived pain control and perceived pain reduction (prpvided the hypnotherapist holds robust clinical evidence about this and provided that no claim is made to treat the underlying causes of pain)
help with minor addictions and bad habits with commitment and determination from the client (hypnotherapists claiming they can treat addictions and bad habits without you making an effort must hold robust evidence about this claim)
help with quitting smoking - (but there are specific rules about what hypnotherapists can claim about this- see below.)
In addition, NICE (the National Institute for Health and Excellence) seem to accept that hypnotherapy can help with Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
What is a hypnotherapy session like?
A hypnotherapy treatment usually starts with an initial consultation to make sure that your situation is suitable for hypnotherapy. It is also an opportunity for you to decide whether you feel comfortable working with this particular hypnotherapist. There is also usually some time left to answer any questions you might have about hypnotherapy or hypnosis, especially for your specific condition.
At the beginning of the session, the therapist spends some time collecting invaluable information that will enable them to form some effective hypnotic suggestion to improve your condition.

The hypnotic induction starts with some deep relaxation followed by the hypnotic suggestion and finally you will be 'reoriented' back to your fully alert, awake state.
Some facts about hypnosis
Hypnosis was accepted by the American Medical Association in 1958 as a legitimate form of medical treatment when administered by an appropriately trained practitioner (Hawaii Med J. 1999 Dec;58(12):344-7).
Being in a hypnotic, trance-like state happens naturally to us several times each day (for example, you may be in a trance when you are watching your favourite programme on TV).
You can't get stuck in hypnosis, no one has ever been stuck in hypnosis.
Hypnosis is not sleep. When you are asleep, you are in a state of unconsciousness. On the contrary, hypnosis is a state of focused consciousness.
Hypnosis is not about controling people's minds, you are always in control and you can hear at all time. It is nothing like what you see in the movies!
Who will be my hypnotherapist at GCM?
Thierry Gauthier, MHS, SMACCPH, is our in-house hypnotherapist. You can view his profile here. He is highly qualified and experienced in a variety of modalities (coaching, hypnotherapy, NLP and meditation). Thierry is a Senior Member of the ACCPH (Accredited Counsellors, Coaches, Psychotherapists and Hypnotherapists). As a Hypnotherapist, he is a Member of the National Hypnotherapy Society.
How much do you charge?
30-minute initial consultation: Free
Face-to-Face sessions in Caterham and Warlingham & Online sessions: £60 for a 60-minute session.
Quit smoking session : £120 (a single session of 2 to 2.5 hours)
Home visits: £70 for a 60-minute session.